When providing care for elderly, ill, special needs children, or foster children, it is essential to maintain clear and accurate records. Trying to remember what was done, any problems that came up, or what still needs to be done adds another layer of pressure and clutters your mind. Capturing this information in a digital journal dedicated to caregiving takes that information out of your overloaded brain.
Save any item: SMS messages, emails, phone messages, photos, videos, documents, Facebook pages, and more.
Package journal entries to share with medical professionals, social workers, courts, schools, hospice and other caregivers. Our easy-to-use advanced search feature enables you to retrieve relevant entries from your electronic journal and quickly create reports or data packages to share as needed
Create log entries on your cell phone or tablet; later edit them on your desktop.
Our easy-to-use interface enables you to seamlessly move between devices and operating systems; use on any Apple/MAC/iOS, Android, or Windows device.